
  • What is going well / Who needs praise?

    • We are glad that our controlled assessment is over and feel that our results will be good.

    • Our SPT needs praise as we have her for most of our lessons, we are a big class, and she makes sure that everyone is listened to.

    • We are ahead of our assessment schedule and feel less stressed because of this. It gives some of the class more time to focus on higher grades on the final essays or re-sit the A&P exam if we need to without having to complete assignments alongside.

    • Our SPT needs praise as we have her for most of our lessons, and she is relaxed which makes us less stressed.

    • We like our timetable now as we are completing our mocks and this means when we are not needed in, we can work from home.

    • Our lecturers need praise as they have really helped us understand our ESP.

    • We are happy that we are being refunded our Hep B vaccinations.

    • We have just got our Year 1 resit marks back and well all passed and went up a grade.

    • We are nearly finished our course – YAY!

    What could we do better?

    You Said: We would like our lessons to be more practical. We feel that we write a lot.

    We Will: Ensure that a trip is created by the end of the year to put theory into practise and schedule some lessons in the sim suite to give you some clinical practice.

    You Said: Organise our google classrooms more efficiently for units like mental health and research so it is easier to access material.

    We Will: Add sections and label work using titles that make more sense to you.

    You Said: We would like to organise a trip at the end of the year to celebrate passing the year.

    We Will: Create a google form for students to express ideas on how they would like to do this and when.

    You Said: We would like more consistency with our placement experiences.

    We Will: Work with individual departments at the DGH to ensure expectations are agreed at the start so each student follows the same structure.

    You Said: We would like to know the plans for who is teaching us once our current SPT leaves.

    We Will: Introduce you to your new SPT when she starts (hopefully 22nd April) but in the meantime you will work with Carly and Kirsty and ME staff.

  • What is going well / Who needs praise?

    • We like the way some tutors set out their assessment material in a workbook or give us the option of learning new material like writing on the walls. The feedback is helpful and specific about what we need to add to improve our grades.

    • We like the way our work is organised in a folder and an exercise book.

    • You felt that a lot of work had been completed behind the scenes on ESP and exam preparation.

    • You felt that feedback had been listened to for science lessons especially.

    • You like the course content and find it interesting.

    • You think that the library is a nice space for you to do independent study in.

    • You like the wellbeing team, who are very comforting.

    • You like the course content and find it interesting.

    • You think that the library is a nice space for you to do independent study in.

    • You like the wellbeing team, who are very comforting.

    What could we do better?

    You Said: We do not like learning the same unit all day and in the same room.

    We Will: Have explored the timings of assignments and will split the day up, utilising other spaces.

    You Said: We would like access to our workbooks for revision purposes.

    We Will: Allow you to do this and track the “in and out” of books so they are not lost.

    You Said: We would rather have assignments on the same Google Classroom as the content rather than content and assignments being in different ones.

    We Have: We will discuss this and see if we can make it work around the external verifier’s preferences.

    You Said: That changes to teaching staff had caused stress as you felt people were teaching in different ways.

    We Will: Adapt the timetable to streamline how many teachers you have delivering the course and provide clear SoW’s so you can keep track of what you will be learning/revising and with who.

    You Said: That you felt nervous about remembering content for the exams as there has been a lot of material.

    We Will: Create revision packs for you and help focus your time outside of lessons to maximise your revision time. Teachers will also implement research-backed strategies for retention ahead of the exams.

    You Said: You are looking forward to placement because you feel there has been a reliance on theory.

    We Will: Ensure that your uniform, timetable and immunisations have been organised ahead of your start date so that you can start your war rounds as soon as possible.

    You Said: You find assignment work is coming through thick and fast and you worry about deadlines with your tutor not being here.

    We Will: Ensure that you each have a checklist introduced to your lessons where you can check off learning that has taken place and evidence that has been completed. As soon as we have a confirmed date for the return of your tutor, we will communicate this to you.

    You Said: That the gaps you have in your timetable can be quite long, especially where there are no common rooms for you to spend time in.

    We Will: We will also create a spare room timetable where you can spend time in your breaks which are an alternative to the canteen.

    You Said: You would like more healthier food in the canteen that meets a more diverse need.

    We Will: Discuss the possibility of introducing healthier alternatives in the canteen with our contractor.

    You Said: You find assignment work is coming through thick and fast and you worry about deadlines with your tutor not being here.

    We Will: Ensure that you each have a checklist introduced to your lessons where you can check off learning that has taken place and evidence that has been completed. As soon as we have a confirmed date for the return of your tutor, we will communicate this to you.

    You Said: That the gaps you have in your timetable can be quite long, especially where there are no common rooms for you to spend time in.

    We Will: We will also create a spare room timetable where you can spend time in your breaks which are an alternative to the canteen.


  • Coming Soon


  • Coming Soon